In September we received one of the most controversial fossils
The Delk Print. And Friday we made it our main display
in our Phoenix locations window. Brightly lit LED allows
exterior viewing of the print 24/7. A literature box explaining
the fossil is available to those wanting to take something with them.
What is the Delk Print
The Delk Print is a fossil found on the banks of the Paluxy River in
Glen Rose Texas. This 30" stone appears to house two impressions that are easily
1.) Human foot print
2.) Acrocanthosaurs dinosaur print.
According to geologists this strata is approximately 100 Million years old.
That's a problem.
According to evolutionists modern developed humans are no more than 2 million years old.
That's a 98 million year divide. So because the math does not jive may I suggest another explanation.
Theory #2
There was a world-wide flood 4,500 years ago were Dinos and humans running about as the flood waters rose, leaving behind telltale signs like the Delk print.
Here's what it looks like.