Hi {{ subscriber.first_name | capitalize() or "Museum Enthusiast" }},
Have you ever heard of Instagram REELS?
It's Instagrams version of Tiktok and I'm kinda liking it.
So we are posting like crazy on the Instagram "grid/feed" and on REELS.
Here's a link to our IG channel:
or when you go to IG, just search @lostworldmuseum
Human Restoration Project (HRP)
We had begun a very ambitious project some years ago
and titled it HRP or Human Restoration Project.
The purpose of the project is to allow Creation Science
to direct a process of restoring humanity in 3 areas
- Physically
- Mentally
- Morally
So this morning on TikTok Live we mentioned this to a small crowd and outlined
the concept and several have joined this email as new subscribers
and we welcome you!
For those of you that are intrigued by the idea that humans were at one time
geniuses, giants and lived to be 950 years old and would like to know more
how the science of Genesis can improve your life,
reply to this email with the letters "HRP" we'll add you to our special VIP
Human Restoration Project list.
More on the way...
Take care,
John and Christen Adolfi