Hi {{ subscriber.first_name | capitalize() or "Museum Enthusiast" }},
We'd like to again welcome all new subscribers this week. The majority joining from TikTok. Currently this list has grown to 637.
Which means, as this list grows it propels myself and Christen
to step it up to collect and or report on even greater artifacts and content.
Peru Trip
Beginning December 26th 2020 Christen and I will travel to Peru.
We have 3 objectives:
1.) Hunt for Giant Human evidences
2.) Inspect and document every megalithic structure we can find.
3.) Look for opportunities not planned
We plan on droning, videoing, interviewing extensively.
We plan on broadcasting Live on TikTok every day.
To catch a Live event, you'll need to be on the TikTok app to get an alert
the moment when we go LIVE. These live events are not recorded.
Zoom Class - The Evidence of Giants
The featured video below is the 30 minute Live replay from the zoom class.