50 Ton Granite Stones Cut and Moved with NO Machinery!
Published: Sun, 02/27/22
Museum email template That's right! Around the world the oldest stone buildings are what we call today "Megaliths" or megalithic cultures. Blocks…
Manual Entries
Published: Sun, 02/27/22
Museum email template That's right! Around the world the oldest stone buildings are what we call today "Megaliths" or megalithic cultures. Blocks…
Published: Sun, 02/20/22
Museum email template When Christen and I went to Peru last summer, we went with the intent of videoing the largest and most mysterious buildings in…
Published: Sun, 02/13/22
Museum email template This subject wows most people. The idea of any people group having the strength, ability, technology and motivation to cut,…
Published: Sun, 02/06/22
Museum email template People e plode when you question if the Incas really built the megalithic structures in Peru. "Racist!" "Colonialist!" they rant…
Published: Sun, 01/30/22
Museum email template Allow me to plug the above video first and then give you an update on upcoming museum video releases and events. The Video…
Published: Sat, 01/22/22
Museum email template Last June, Christen and I traveled to Peru to e plore and seek the ancient wonders of that mysterious land. I personally wanted…
Published: Sun, 01/16/22
Museum email template Megalodon! Just the sound of its name creates intrigue. Those who are unfamiliar with this titanic beast, a Megalodon is an…
Published: Sun, 01/09/22
Museum email template How big can a plant get? Apparently pretty big because every fall you'll hear about the largest pumpkin contest blue ribbon…
Published: Sun, 01/02/22
Museum email template Whenever one shares an alternate e planation (creationism) with scientific evidence that is normally associated with evolution…
Published: Sun, 12/26/21
Museum email template Merry Christmas to you! In this edition we are showcasing the replay to our Christmas program about the Ancient Giant Mammals.